FoxRun’s Boyz Night Out — Tripp

FoxRun’s Boyz Night Out

U-Ch. FoxRun Out Of The Ballpark RN JH CCA BISS CGC x U-Ch., NAKC Int’l Ch.; Am. Ch. FoxRun’s Double Or Nothin’ CGC


July 21st, 2010 –

Tripp’s Mom, Dawn, writes:  Tripp started his life as a companion dog to the puppies and elders at FoxRun. As a five year old, he currently lives in a smaller pack, with one Golden brother, Simon. Tripp has recently taken obedience and agility classes at the local training facility, which he enjoys even more in the backyard than the structured classroom. His faves include (tennis) ball games, swims in any stream, pool or pond, and romps with friends …no matter the weather. Tripp’s preferred vacation destinations are New Hampshire, for snowshoe trails in the late winter, and Cape Cod in October, when dogs are FINALLY! Allowed back on the beaches.Tripp is a well-rounded, energetic Golden with a magical quality, as easy to curl up & read a book with,as run a field trial. He is the epitome of the breed.

Trip in NH (2) Tripp 1 Tripp 2 Tripp 3Beach photos by Lynn Stone