Although 2020 did not see us doing too much other than relaxing a home, 2021 held a few fun surprises. One of the most exciting was Gunner, who earned his Bronze Grand Championship and went Select Dog at the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club dog show over a spectacular entry of dogs. And, with only a few months of showing, he finished the year in the top 40 dogs in the entire country. We are so proud to have co-bred and co-own this fantastic dog with Laura Sicko. We also finished some fun titles on some of the younger dogs. Frisko earned her CGCA, CGCU, TKN earned her fist points toward her championship. Myles got to play at a few shows and also picked up some championship points, including a Best of Breed. Emmie earned her TT and Kitten picked up a few more points and now needs only a major to finish. And of course, the beautiful Camden, who will turn 14 years young in January 2022, earned a TKN at over 13 years old.
Author Archives: Kathi Schapp
November 26th, 2019
Wow- what a fall we have had! Gunner is 3/4 of the way done with his Bronze Grand Championship. He also earned his CGCA and his RN titles. Beckham is about 1/2 way to his Bronze Grand Championship and is working on his Beginner Novice obedience title. Pitch & Kitten both earned their first majors at the Thanksgiving Cluster. Pitch now just needs a major to finish and Kitten needs a major and 2 singles!
July 18th, 2019
It’s been a busy summer so far! Beckham is now a Grand Champion with multiple Group placements! Young Pitch & Kitty have hit the show ring and have garnered 4 and 3 points respectively.
May 20th, 2019
In just 12 shows this spring, Beckham is up to 22 Grand Champion points and is a Best of Breed winner and Group placing dog! He isn’t even 2 yet. So excited about this young dog!
December 5th, 2018
Holy cow! Beckham is a new champion at just 18 months old!
October 22nd, 2018
In just 2 weekends, Beckham picks up 7 points! He was WD 3 days in Augusta NJ for 3 single points and then earned a 4 point major in Springfield, MA the following weekend!
October 4th, 2018
Wow- it’s been a fun few weeks. Beckham is now up to 5 points toward his Championship, Kellogg earned her Rally Novice title and Curry made her debut in dock diving and earned her Dock Novice title! I love my multi-talented little herd of dogs!
August 30th, 2018
Charm is a Junior Hunter!
She finished her title at the Black Creek Retriever test in Sprakers, NY on 8/26
July 16th, 2018
Charm tried her paw at Rally obedience and came away with a new title!
After nearly 3 years out of the ring, Charm “went on vacation” to the VT Scenic cluster of dog shows and earned her Rally Novice title with scores all in the 90s! She is now 2/3 of the way to earning her Versatility Certificate. To accomplish that, a dog must have titles in 3 different venues- Conformation, Field and Obedience or Agility. She is a Champion and now has her obedience title done. Just need to work on her Junior Hunter title this fall. Go Charm!
July 9th, 2018
Beckham earns his first point and he and Charm get their first Junior Hunter pass
Baby Beckham finally broke his Reserve streak and earned his first championship point in MA on July 4. Then, that same weekend, he and his mother, Charm, each got their first pass toward their Junior Hunter title. So proud that these kids are ” keeping the retriever in the Golden Retriever!”