Electralon Elusive Criminal – Jesse

U-Ch. Electralon Elusive Criminal CD, CGC, ASCA CD

Woodmyer’s Felonious Assault CD, WC x Electralon Bold Inspiration CD, CGC, AX, OAJ, NAP, NJP, V-OAC, NJC, NGC


April 21st, 1997 – October 13th, 2007


When I first saw the pictures of your litter, you were like a little red jellybean in a pile of yellow ones. I was sure I didn’t want the “red one,” but of course, you were the one that picked me. From then on you were my faithful and loyal companion for ten and a half amazing years. A fast learner, you also learned quickly that I was easily manipulated and you have always used that to your advantage. Coming from a background in obedience, you were my first multipurpose dog. Did you love it? No. You did it because I asked you to, but I knew that you were happier sitting on the front porch, surveying your kingdom. You were the first dog that I competed in agility with, and although we never qualified together, it was exciting to watch you run for Nancy. I was always so proud of you. And its funny how everyone always thought you were so much bigger than you were. You had this commanding personality that earned you fans wherever you went.

As you grew older and assumed the alpha role in our pack, I thought that you were the most amazing boy. You ruled silently, but obviously effectively, as things were always so harmonious. I don’t know what will happen now that you are gone. You’ve spoiled me. And of course, you produced the most wonderful children, who have now started to produce some amazing grandchildren. And I still can’t believe that your influence was so strong that your children have inherited the “Jesse squish.” I can’t thank you enough for the legacy you have left behind. When I learned of your cancer and began to let people know, it broke the hearts of your many, many admirers. And it breaks my heart to have to say goodbye so early. I always thought that “The King” would live forever. Rest peacefully, my big red friend. Until we meet again.