Foxrun’s A Breath Of Snow And Ashes – Emmie

Foxrun’s A Breath Of Snow And Ashes RI BCAT SWE SEE SCM SBE SIE CGCA CGCU TKN ATT NW1 (8 AKC Points)

Ch Cressida Going the Distance x Foxrun’s Woven With Style CCA, BPIS


July 19th, 2020 –

Emmie is a classic Golden Retriever and exemplifies many of the characteristics that make a Golden a Golden. She is biddable, friendly, reliable, and trustworthy. Emmie excels at anything we ask of her. She quickly earned Scent Work titles and is currently competing in the Masters class. Also, with very little training, she earned her Rally Novice and Intermediate titles piloted by Junior Handler, Lexie Littlefield. We are hoping that she will be the dog to compete in the Junior Showmanship finals at the Prestigious Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show with Lexie in 2024.