FoxRun’s the Whole Kit & Caboodle

FoxRun’s Paradise Spice, DJ, DN, TKN, CGC, SCN, SIN

BISS, CH FoxRun’s U Can’t Beet This

FoxRun’s Boyz Night Out
FoxRun’s Double Time CDX, TD, CCA, High in Trial
U-Ch. FoxRun’s Spice Up The Night CGC
FoxRun’s Storm Warning, RA
U-Ch. Woolley’s FoxRun Daily Double CGC

U-Ch., NAKC Int’l Ch.; Am. Ch. FoxRun’s Double Or Nothin’ CGC

AmCH, U-Ch FoxRun’s Simply Irresist-A-Ball CD, RN, JH, TKN, WC, CGC, VC

NAKC BPIS U-CH FoxRun’s Scorching Hot CGC

BISS, U-CH FoxRun Out of the Ballpark JH, RN, CCA, CGC

BISS, BOSS GCH FoxRun’s Lettuce Entertain U

AKC Ch, U-Ch, NAKC INT’l Ch. FoxRun’s Classic Lotto RN, NAP, NJP, CL1-R,CL1-G, CGC
U-CH FoxRun’s She’ll B A Classic RN, CGC

U-CH FoxRun’s Music of the Night OD, CGC

Beechwood’s Passport to Adventure CGC
Delight and Meri-Mors Forester CD, CGC, ASCA CDX